Very Important Q&A of Indian Economy
1. What is the vision paper prepared by the Planning Commission with the aim of making India a developed nation by 2020? – India Vision-2020
2. Who is called the forerunner of liberalization of Indian economy? - Dr. Manmohan Singh
3. When was the first five year plan started in India? – April 1, 1951
4. What are the words 'bull' and 'beer' related to? - from the stock market
5. What was the objective of 'Antyodaya' programme? - Helping the poorest of the poor
6. Which index has been considered as the basis for estimating poverty in rural areas? – Consumer Price Index of Agricultural Workers
7. With whom is the Bharat Nirman Yojana related? - settlement development
8. In which state the maximum number of scheduled tribes reside? - Madhya Pradesh
9. Which deficit contributes the most to the total budget deficit of the Government of India? - primary deficit
10. Which sector was given the highest priority in the first five year plan? - Agriculture
11. Which is the largest nationalized enterprise in India at present? - Indian Railways
12. What is meant by budget deficit? Difference between total receipts and total expenditure
13. When was the Reserve Bank of India established? – April 1, 1935
14. In case of an inverse balance of payments, which step will be helpful in rectifying the situation? - devaluation
15. What is the main form of unemployment found in rural areas of India? - disguised
16. Under which crop is the maximum agricultural land in India? - Rice
17. Which sector contributes the most to the national income of India? - manufacturing sector
18. Which plan is considered the most unsuccessful plan of India in the history of five year plans? – third
19. Who is the ex-officio chairman of the National Development Council? - prime minister
20. What is the basis for determining the dearness allowance of employees in India? - consumer price Index
21. Development of which sector was given maximum emphasis in the Second Five Year Plan? - Industry
22. In which economy, what is the relationship between the value of money and the price level? - inverse
23. What is the rank of India in the world in egg production? - third
24. Under the tenth five year plan, the target of what percent annual growth rate was set? – 8%
25. In which area is disguised unemployment commonly seen in India? - agricultural sector